Stupid Smart (Jaded, Book #3)
Release date January 20th, 2019
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Ever since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted was to get married. To meet the perfect man who’d love me more than life itself and be a wonderful father to all our beautiful children.
I loaded up on chapstick and prepared myself for all the frogs I’d have to kiss to find my prince. But I hadn’t been prepared for just how slimy and gross those metaphorical amphibians could be. And as I got older, the toads got hornier and hornier. (No pun intended, but we’re talking men here, so… yeah.)
Still, I refuse to give up, no matter how many obstacles are thrown my way.
Liam, however, has other plans for my future.
Every inch the bad boy with his leather jacket, dark eyes and tattoos, you’d never expect his personality to be more along the lines of class clown. The combination is oddly sexy. Just ask any woman of legal age in the city of New York, since he’s likely slept with all of them by now.
A simple misunderstanding made us enemies. Now I can’t get rid of him. He’s like a bad case of herpes that just keeps flaring up at the worst of times. And if he sabotages one more of my dates, I’m going to kill him. Or kiss him.
Most days I can’t decide which I’d rather do more.

Pretty Daring (Jaded, Book #2)
September 22nd, 2018
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If you ask me, foolishness is like beauty - all about the eye of the beholder.
For instance - I’ve been told the amount of caffeine I consume on a daily basis will eventually kill me, which makes no sense, because that caffeine is essential to living. Then I have doctors telling me that I need to get more sleep if I want to live a happy, healthy life. I can easily refute those claims, because my life is neither happy nor healthy if I don’t utilize every possible second of each day to ensure my life’s goals are met.
Now I’ve got people claiming that hooking up with the sexy bodyguard I hired after someone tried to kill me in broad daylight is a mistake. And, okay, they might be right about that one. Even I can’t argue that it’s not healthy to sleep with someone you can barely stand to be around outside the bedroom.
But you know what? Life is already short enough. If there’s a chance I might die young, then I’m going to go out with a bang - preferably the kind that comes with an orgasm or twelve.

Simply Crazy (Jaded, Book #1)
Released on July 11, 2017.
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Forget apps, websites and singles events - clearly the best way to meet a guy is to move in next door, accidentally assault him and then demand a job at his company.
If that kind of charm doesn’t totally knock him off his feet, the next step is to build an army. If possible, try to recruit those closest to the target, such as his mom, sisters and closest friends. Sure, it sounds extreme and maybe a little bit crazy, but I’ve always subscribed to the old adage “No one worth having comes willingly.” Okay, I switched out some words there, but you get the point.
Caution: Even the most foolproof plans can have hiccups along the way. I’ve taken the liberty of compiling a list of things you should watch out for: Crazy ex-boyfriends who pop up out of nowhere like an evil jack-in-the box; Women who think a strategic nip slip is effective at landing a boyfriend; Co-workers who think it’s hilarious to prank you at work and then upload the videos to social media.
Still have doubts? No worries. I'll show you how it’s done.

Baited Truth
Released on September 6th, 2016.
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Nothing about my life has been easy, but that hasn’t stopped me from living it. So when someone sets out to steal that life from me, they better come heavily armed and with an army close behind, because nothing short of nuclear warfare is going to stop me from protecting what’s mine.
When my mom gets taken, I set out to find her and missing pieces of a puzzle I didn’t even know existed start to fall into place.
I might end up paying the price for someone else’s sins, but there’s no turning back now. I’m far too invested in this now - in finding my mom, in untangling the web of lies surrounding me, and more than anything else, I’m far too invested in the sexy, secretive and seriously annoying man helping me.
As an ex-SEAL that’s seen and endured horrors the majority of civilians think only exist in Hollywood, I really thought there wasn’t much that could surprise me anymore.
Then Jack, my boss and closest thing I have to a dad, goes missing.
He goes missing on the same day a pint-sized little spitfire that makes waterboarding sound relaxing compared to her relentless persistence shows up. She shows up someplace she doesn't belong and claims to be looking for her mom, who was abducted the same day Jack went missing.
Her arrival starts looking less and less like a coincidence and more like karma looking to punish me for decades of sins I didn't even know I'd committed.
She fights me at every turn. Challenges me in the worst ways. And turns me on like no woman has before.
Not that I have any plans of hooking up with the nuisance who lives to make my life difficult. I'd have to be a giant dumbass to get into bed with her before knowing if she's friend or foe.
Apparently I'm a giant dumbass.

Farewell Apathy
Released on June 2nd, 2016.
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The world is a scary place, even when you know who you are, where you come from and most importantly, who your enemies are.
So imagine how I felt when I woke up inside of Mayford Mental Institution, strapped to a bed in a dark, empty room with no recollection of how I got there. Try to picture having no family or friends to help you try to remember and adjust to a totally new life.
If only my problems stopped there. If only I didn’t have someone trying to torment me at every turn. If only my life didn’t become more and more complicated the more I started to remember.
It started out okay enough - my friend-turned-psychiatrist Mark found me a job and a place to live. My neighbor Keegan took me in under her wing and helped me adjust.
Wyatt, a dark, brooding and dangerously sexy new tenant moved in a week after me, taking on the task of reminding me what blinding lust feels like.
What goes up, must come down, and as soon as life starts to feel like something I can handle, the gravity of my messed up life yanks me right back down on my ass. Kind of crazy how quickly you can go from being completely apathetic about your unknown future, to fearing that your future might not even exist at all….

Pursuing Carrie
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Carrie is plain, quiet and doesn’t really give a shit what people think. Her priorities in life have absolutely nothing to do with dating or relationships. Quite the opposite, in fact, seeing as how a relationship is the absolute last thing she wants. Ever.
Joe is charming and charismatic, but the only thing he’s ever worked hard at in his adult life is his job. Outside of being a cop, he’s only interested in things that come easily, and that includes women. He gives the women he sleeps with respect, affection, and mind blowing orgasms - but that’s all he gives.
After being brought together by a mutual friend, Stacy, Joe and Carrie don’t exactly hit it off. They are the exact opposite of what the other looks for in a lover, yet they can’t fight the growing attraction that blossoms between them.
Under the pretense of wanting to be friends for the sake of Stacy, Joe sets out to win Carrie over, but his normal charms don’t work on her. And the more he tries to win her friendship, the more he realizes that friendship is not at all what he really wants.
Carrie’s willpower is strong, but it’s no match for Joe’s persistence, and despite her reluctance, Carrie finds herself falling for Joe in a way that she’s sure will cause irreparable damage in the end. Because nothing good ever comes out of hooking up with someone you care about, and why should this time be the exception?
Tainted pasts, crazy ex-lovers and flying dildos notwithstanding, Carrie and Joe find themselves venturing into unknown territory. It’s not easy, but it’s hot as hell, and luckily they are both too stubborn to give up easily on something that feels a lot more real than a short fling.
**Can be read as a standalone, but backstory and character development from the first two books of the series may make this read more enjoyable.

Playing Stacy
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Stacy is no stranger to trouble, considering that’s where her smart ass remarks usually land her...in trouble.
A drunken night out with her best friend Adalyn lands her in jail. Not that she’d done anything wrong, except for hit on the incredibly sexy cop who showed up to take a report from Adalyn who’d had her purse stolen.
Chad, a no-nonsense officer who takes himself and his job very seriously, has no patience for Stacy’s shenanigans and over the top flirting. So he hauls her to jail to teach her a lesson, but didn’t expect it to cause Stacy to become a regular fixture in his life.
Stacy ends up befriending Chad’s partner, Joe, who keeps her company after Chad dumps her in a holding cell for the night. Joe and Stacy hit it off right away, resulting in Stacy always being around, no matter how much Chad tries to avoid her.
The constant bickering and sarcastic insults only heighten the sexual tension between Chad and Stacy, and Chad’s ability to control his emotions and actions becomes increasingly difficult.
A low scale war is declared between them, but their actions continue to both hurt each other while simultaneously pulling them together. When the fighting leads to literal bloodshed, they begin to wonder if they both should surrender before the war destroys them both.

Pressing Adalyn
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To say I’m lacking a life plan would be a gross understatement. Yeah, I ‘survived’ something horrific and still managed to graduate college, but it did me little good. Here I am three years later with no life plan, no money and no goals, moving to a big city to live with my best friend in hopes of putting my self-destructive behavior behind me and getting my life back on track.
Stacy and I met in college. She’s the quintessential good-time girl, which means she just barely has her crap together herself. If I manage to survive living with her without getting arrested or seriously embarrassing myself, then I’ll consider that a step in the right direction.
No steps in any direction have even been made before Ian enters the picture, throwing me even further off course with all his sexy charm and annoying persistence. I’ve never had a guy so incapable of taking a hint. I don’t care if he’s Stacy’s best friend and one of the city’s most eligible bachelors. Doesn’t make a difference to me that he’s a walking contradiction; his gorgeous face and unrelenting kindness won’t do him any good when it comes to me.
Even if I wanted Ian - which I don’t - I’m nowhere near ready for a serious relationship, and I swore off casual sex when I moved in with Stacy. So no matter how deliciously tempting he is, I’m not going to give in to Ian.
Really I’m not.